Puddles has been providing hassle-free and environmentally friendly fun kids parties in London since 2014. Established by Aleksandra Tyszczyk, experienced events manager, started up as a hub for creative classes and parties at Blighty Arts and Wolves Lane Garden Centre. Since then we've developed an exceptional reputation among London's parents delivering the outstanding quality birthday parties and entertainment every weekend throughout the year. Puddles team includes artists, dancers and actors, and the thing we all have in common is love for children’s fun and play.
Puddles Creative Ltd
Company Number 9854938
VAT Registration Number 333 4737 05
We have public liability insurance.
Nature Treasure Hunt - Original kids entertainment concept based on play and interaction with natural environment, entertainers and other children.
Our philosophy for parties is that we interact with the children individually. We don’t distance ourselves with a TV show format and use microphones if we need to. We believe in kids party entertainment based on play and interaction. We’re friends and partners-in-crime with the children on a personal level, with respect to their feelings and personalities. This helps us create a valuable experience for every child, responding to the individual needs.
The Nature Treasure Hunt fun party games and other activities are real life experiences for children where they fully engage in play and do things by themselves. Through play children discover the world, so play and learning means exactly the same, especially for little ones.
At nature treasure hunts children also interact with natural environment. Our nature treasure hunt venues, hidden in London's islands of wildlife, are carefully selected, all based in natural reserves, garden and horticultural centres, ecology centres or inspiring community centres with charitable causes. When searching for the treasure, children discover nature and interact with it.
We’ve committed to be as environmentally-friendly as possible! Please read about that on our blog: